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How are sounds incorporated within a movie scene and how do they affect the movie mood (atmosphere) and meaning (understanding)?

How are sounds incorporated within a movie scene and how do they affect the movie mood (atmosphere) and meaning (understanding)? Film: IT - Distorted painting scene Diegetic/Non-Diegetic: The scene contains the villain's footsteps , this use of diegetic sound begins to change the dynamic of the scene as tension is built as the audience and the character hear the distant footsteps approaching. This affects the mood as it builds a rigid atmosphere. Furthermore, the purpose of this is to allow the audience to gain a more personal feel to the actor as they also fear for the next outcome of the scene, allowing the audience to have a feel of schadenfreude as they gain a sense of relief they are not experiencing the actor's current situation. At the time mark of 1:27 of the scenes clip, we see a visual close up shot of the lights beginning to flicker alongside a conventional sound effect of its flickers, deepening the dark atmosphere created, this is achieved through a hyper-r

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